
Order Turkish Food in Moscow

We offer the most suitable payment options for all your purchases in Mesopotamia Food&Beverage.
Take away
You can order online and pick&pay at the Mesopotamia Restaurant on Arbat.
Pay on Delivery
You can make your payments to the Mesopotamia staff who deliver your orders.
PayPal / Credit Card
You can pay by credit card via YouKassa payment gateway or use PayPal to make it more comfortable.
Bank Transfer
Some of our customers prefer to pay by bank transfer. After your order is confirmed by our administrators, you can make your payment to our corporate accounts.
Mespotamia Online
© 2020 - 2030
ООО Месопотамия
ИНН/КПП: 7704304590/770401001
ОГРН: 115774609867419019,
город Москва, улица Арбат, дом 4 строение 1.
Website Development: Branding & Marketing Institute